

Nolan Hue Conducts Training with the Police

Nolan Hue Conducts Training with the Police

Nolan Hue Conducts Training with the Police

Nolan Hue Conducts Training with the Police


On July 23rd 2020, the Nolan Hue Foundation conducted a Professional Development and Customer Service training with the Criminal Investigations Department (new recruits). The training was facilitated by Nolan Hue Chairman Regis Burton, Nolan Hue BoD Lyle Jackson, and Nolan Hue CEO Alisha Francis.

(From left to right Regis Burton, Alisha Francis, Lyle Jackson)

The first half of the training was divided into five phases. (1) What a police officer means to society / a community. (2) The importance of citizens to police officers and how they could assist in getting their job done. (3) If the police are seen as the enemy and not as a means of help, they will remain vilified by the masses. (4) Don’t antagonize, do not boss around. (5) De-escalating situations.

Secondary focus was placed on how to handle someone in distress and how that is incorporated into the importance of exercising emotional intelligence (having the ability to understand, use, and manage their own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict). In addition, the importance of continuity and effective communication amongst teammates in order to optimize efficiency was shared. 

At the end of the training, the officers were reminded look within and understand who they are and their purpose. Refrain from developing the ‘crab in a bucket’ mentality; if another officer has advanced, be happy and willing to cheer them on rather than displaying envy. They were further encouraged to find a mentor, be limitless, and strive to be the best in the world; not just Antigua and Barbuda.